More than 4,000,000 valuations

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Selling your car or van with Money4YourMotors

We make selling your vehicle quick and easy – we'll even save you a trip and collect your motor as part of the process, with no admin fees!

Complete our 4-step process for an initial valuation.

We'll contact you to arrange a free, no obligation online appointment.

We'll collect your vehicle from your home or workplace

If you're happy with the price, we'll provide instant payment by bank transfer before we leave

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Choosing Money4YourMotors to sell your car

• No obligation, free valuation
• Free, fast collection from your home or workplace
• Payment via instant bank transfer
• Fair pricing, no matter what condition your car is in
• Quick valuations and inspections for a hassle-free experience
• Friendly teams, local to your area
• We will support you in settling any outstanding finance
• Check out our help and advice to make sure you get the best deal

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What vehicles do we buy?

Used cars, damaged cars, financed cars: we’ll consider buying most petrol and diesel vehicles, no matter what condition they’re in. We also buy electric cars too. Whether your vehicle isn’t looking its best, or it has a few miles on the clock, we’ll give you a fair price. Find out how much your car’s worth today.

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Our friendly team will always try to help with any questions you have about selling your car online. Browse our FAQs, or get in touch.